Update on proposed expansion
Beattie Community Trust has continued to experience increased demands for the services provided, both in rest home and dementia level care. Beattie Home and Papakāinga Homestead are at full capacity, with our respite care rooms booked out until June 2025. Significant work has been achieved to enable us to upgrade our facilities to attain hospital level certification with our new hospital beds fully occupied, and waiting lists for all our other services.
Our Beattie Community Trust Campus is a product of enormous community support, and it is important that we can continue to provide for the communities’ growing aged-care needs. As our waiting lists indicate, this is becoming a huge challenge given the constraints around the availability of existing beds.
We have again been privileged to receive a donation from John and Sarah Oliver
Trust to purchase the properties at 174 and 176 Maniapoto Street to add to those we already own at 178 and 180 Maniapoto Street. This gives us a parcel of land that enables us to extend the Papakāinga Homestead facility and provide a wing of dual-purpose rooms to cater for rest care or hospital level care.
This is a significant undertaking for us to increase the capacity of our facilities to meet the community’s needs. With the necessary land now acquired the drafting of concept plans is currently under way.
This venture will require more fundraising and funding requests, and the Beattie Home Trust Board wish to inform the community of their current and future plans. As we travel through this next phase of our journey, we will endeavor to keep everyone up to date with progress and developments.
- Media Release, 30th January 2025